LATE BREAKING NEWS! Clinical Trial of Protein Supplement to Begin in July
Submitted By: Ellen Burns, Medical Liaison
Members of the Deater family who have been diagnosed with HSAN-1 will have the chance to participate in a remarkable study to determine the possible effects of a dietary supplement on the effects of the disease.
There are 21 family members known to be diagnosed with HSAN-1. On July 19, 2009, the day following the Deater Family reunion, these family members can gather to give blood and receive a protein supplement to take for a 10-week period. During this time, participants will also be asked to keep a food diary. The more people who participate in the study, the greater the reliability of the study. A few people will be asked to continue to participate in a longer-range study.
The premise of this study is that in the disease HSAN-1 cells that should take up the protein serine also bond with other proteins. It is thought that by providing the cells of the body (especially nerve cells) with generous amounts of serine, cells will be more likely to take in this protein. In this way, wrong proteins will be “crowded out” of the cellular connection. There are NO PROMISES that this supplement will become a treatment or cure. BUT the mice with the HSAN-1 gene defect responded positively to this supplement.
Those with the disease have an opportunity to contribute, as generations have before, to unlock the mystery of the “Deater Disease.” Their willing participation may pave the way to eradicate the symptoms of this disease in future generations. Those of us without the disease can contribute support through our prayers and finances to make this study a success!