A Story…“From the Old Homestead”
Submitted by: June Deater Sorber
In the Fall of 1938 Mom made lots of pumpkin pies. We closed the back kitchen off to make the rest of our eight-room house warmer. We had two stoves and burned wood and coal. Mom would put her pies in the back kitchen on the table. She taught Sunday School in the living room, and I [June], who was 16 years old, taught the little ones in the dining room.
Mom started having Sunday School just for us because no one had cars then. The next-door neighbor’s children came; and then from a mile or so away other children came from Stone Town.
A cute little three year old boy (Jimmy Webber) was in my class– the other children all older. He didn’t sit too long and busied himself around the place. After Sunday School was over, Mom opened the door to the back kitchen and said “What happened to my pies?” Little Jimmy piped up and said, “Them pies sure was good, Mrs. Deater!” Several fists full of pie were missing. I can still hear Mom’s laugh to this day. Our family of twelve didn’t leave them go to waste!