Born January 13, 1927
- Daughter of Alvin and Ellen Deater
- Married Thomas Eugene Wilson
- 2 Sons: Gary and Cork
- 4 Grandchildren
- 4 Great Grandchildren
- 1 Great-Great Grandchild
In Honor of Helen Deater Wilson
Submitted by: Grandsons Charles and Gary Paul Wilson
Our grandmother is very special to us. I (Gary Paul) only remember my grandmother in her wheelchair, but I know she walked at some point because she went with my brother (Charles) to Disney. [I’ve seen the pictures]. I’ve heard stories of her driving— I think mostly to remind me how not to drive. I’ve seen pictures of her standing outside their farmhouse and of her back before she was married. I even remember seeing her stand once at the kitchen counter cooking something for us.
I remember she watched a few of our little league baseball games from the comfort of Pop’s truck when we played in Mifflin. I remember how she taught me how to bake cakes. We didn’t use a written recipe; it was all in her head. I would just dump in ingredients until she would say that’s enough and our cakes would always turn out just right. [The same technique however almost caused me to fail HS Home Economics.]