Research Report – 2004


womer2003The Deater family has suffered for generations with a disabling neurological disease. And yet, courage, humor, faith and determination are the traits that come to mind when thinking about the family. These traits have been the basis for strong relationships that have formed with medical and research people studying the disease.

This past year, Dr. Khemissa Bejaoui, who worked on the HSN1 project at the Day Lab for about 10 years, accepted a new position at the Marshfield Clinic in Marshfield, Wisconsin. One of the first things she did after her arrival was to attend a conference related to HSN 1. The family developed great affection for her on her frequent trips to the reunion. We wish her well and look forward to hearing about her continued research.

Two weeks after last year’s reunion, two researchers who had collaborated with Khemissa arrived in Noxen to conduct a research study. Beulah and Elwood Womer opened their home as the “research center” for San Francisco Doctor of Pharmacy, Dr. Walter Holleran and Dermatologist Dr. Joachim Fluhr from the former Democratic Republic of Germany (East Germany). June Sorber hosted the doctors overnight as they gathered information that they presented the same week at an international conference in New England.

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